Celebrate your birthday and discover the world

Discover the world: what better place to do that than the Museum der Kulturen Basel? On a world tour through the exhibitions, kids learn how different cultures live side by side and experience how different and yet similar they are.

Equipped with a ticket and a little trolley bag, the kids encounter an Indian elephant god, a jester from Indonesia, and Indians in the South American rain forest. Underway, there’s a lot to do: listen to stories, solve tasks, play, make things, etc.

Your travel guide is Koroshi, a perky guardian figure from Peru. After the adventure tour, there is time to enjoy a few travel snacks.

  • Age: from 6 years onwards
  • Number of participants: max. 10 kids with 1 or 2 adults
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Food: please bring with you your own a travel snack. Syrup and water are available.

Information and registration: Secretary’s Office, T +41 61 266 56 00 or info@mkb.notexisting@nodomain.notexisting@nodomain.comcomch