Talisman (Breverl)
Baden-Württemberg / Germany
Around 1750
Paper, soil, clay, silver thread, metal, felt, herbs, coral

The Breverl, a kind of spiritual writ of protection, was a very common talisman in the entire southern German-speaking area in the 18th and 19th centuries. This conglomerate amulet was either worn like a necklace, fixed to a belt, attached to a rosary or sewn into a piece of clothing. It contained a mixture of magical and religious symbols and objects derived from European 'animism' or from Christian folk beliefs. In order to retain its efficacy, the owner was not allowed to open the amulet. If he did so all the same, he found, amongst other items, red pieces of paper and cloth or bits of red coral-stones, which were believed to be a protection against the evil eye.